6 Core Elements Of All

7 Figure Businesses and People

(Part 2)

To See Part 1 click here 7 Figure Business The One Common Denominator They All Have  (Part 1) As I mentioned in part 1There are actions in which businesses and people take to grow their income to a 6 figure level (even if you don’t have aspirations in taking your income to 6 figures…this series will help you Increase your income).  This is what I did and other high income earners do…but it doesn’t just happen… I know, I get it, I really get it…we start to feel as though we’re spinning our wheels. We’re Working Soooo Hard and yet we’re not making much progress toward our income goals (if any!) So then what?  We get discouraged, are frustrated, give up…sometimes even let go of our dreams.  I’m here to say Noooooooo, stay with it my friend…Don’t give up…Ever. Your feelings and what you’re going through is a part of the process…it’s okay.  All 6 Figure Businesses went through it as well.  This is what they do: $100k Income 6 Core Elements www.MARCKyourWorld.com

1. They’re Always Learning

The world changes rapidly my friend and if you’re not learning and feeding that beautiful mind of yours you’ll stagnate.   Yes, sometimes it takes time – but your future self will thank you for it and so will your wallet.  There is so much available to us, more than ever before.  I listen to audiobooks and podcasts incessantly.  It’s a great way to learn something while doing things you normally do…I listen while driving, doing chores around the house, working out.  Audible.com is the one I use and love.  It’s part of Amazon so it’s all integrated. There’s a super easy app so it makes listening a breeze.

2. They invest in themselves. Warren Buffett on your greatest investment

Tony Robbins interviewed Warren Buffett and asked Buffet what’s the greatest investment someone can make and Warren Buffet said:

“Improve your own skill sets because you are the one asset that will grow geometrically” 

The skill sets you develop can never be taken away from you.  How can you invest in your business and/or invest in yourself further?  How can you take this up a notch?

3. They know ‘failure’ is a part of the process

They put ‘failure’ in perspective and they know it’s only temporary.  They pick themselves up, look at what can be tweaked…what can be learned from the experience and move on.  They don’t quit when experiencing setbacks or problems.  They know these are inevitable…it’s part of life and doing business.   There isn’t one ‘successful’ person in this world who hasn’t experienced failure of some sort. They look for solutions and alternatives.  They think outside of the box.  They create their own alternative successes. When you have a set back or some type of ‘failure’ get right back up my friend!  Reframe it…I see it as a life experiment…continue to experiment!

4. They allow others to help them

They know they’re greater with others and can accomplish more.  Whether that’s seeking guidance from others, employing some help, creating a mastermind group…They don’t go it alone.  There is so much incredible power in synergy…1 + 1 = 3 and they understand this.  They utilize this synergy principal.   Napoleon Hill speaks at great length in his global bestselling book “Think & Grow Rich.”  If you don’t have a copy I highly recommend it.  Here you can obtain your free “Think & Grow Rich” book.  If you do have a copy and you don’t know where it’s at or want quick access you can simply download it here.  It’s my gift to you.

5. They have a vision and stick with it

Regardless where they’re at and what’s happening in the moment they don’t let the present situation stop them from achieving their vision.  They don’t make excuses.   Their vision is steadfast…they can see, taste, feel it.  It’s so real (it’s as though it’s here now) and they use this vision to propel them into actualizing their dreams.  What’s your vision? What do You Want to Achieve?  Write it down.

6. They have processes in place to turn that vision into reality

They know their vision is just simply a vision if actions aren’t taken…but not just any ol’ action…they know it’s planned, thought out action which will lead them to accomplishing it.   I’m going to share this with you folks…to do lists can be exhausting and overwhelming.  Start your day with some reflection…How do you want your day to roll out, how do you want to feel, what do you want to accomplish and how do those accomplishments fit into your core of who you are (what brings you satisfaction and joy).  Get the most important things done in the morning.

Vision. Plan. Execute.


What Others Say:

It’s all about walking the talk.. A “Business Coach” is a big title which should be backed with a big track record. Jaymie fits that bill. She’s owned a large successful business and has beautifully adapted and packaged a lifetime of successful principles to share with all. Jaymie is extremely motivating as she keeps me on task and holds me accountable to my goals and dreams.  I would not have our company’s website revamped (that increased business by 40%) and my movie script being reviewed by a Hollywood Agency if it weren’t for her. Jaymie has literally changed my life and I would recommend her to anyone who is ready to make a quantum leap towards success in the next chapter of their lives!” John Daly, Business Owner, Video Production Company

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