Stay Top Of Mind With These Great Tips! Stay Top Of Mind With Your Clients and Prospects. Get your Free 60 days here. Research supports people need to see your message on average 8 to 9 times before they act or register your message, who you are. To See July...
Don't Get Burned When Hiring Freelancers Save Yourself Time, Headaches, Extra Expenses and Hopefully Litigation Tips and More From the Trenches As business owners there is so much to do and where do we find time for everything! Another ‘to do’ in the...
Feeling Stuck? Need A Boost?… * Have you ever been inspired by a movie? * Has just the right music at the right time got you moving? * Do you ever become motivated by something you hear or see? If you need a boost watch one of the below short videos. Put...
“Jaymie, you have a wealth of knowledge and experience that you bring to the table along with absolute professionalism and a ton of heart! You showed us weak points in our business and once we worked on resolving those and implementing some marketing processes...
Hello and Welcome to my site. I've seen and experienced much in life...challenges, obstacles and triumphs. MARCK® came through as a result of all my personal and business experience. MARCK® is an acronym: M-Mindful, A-Acknowledge, R-Relax & Reflect, C-Commitment to your core values and goal/s, K-Keep on, Keep'n on!
Here you'll find products, ideas, inspiration, books, courses on business growth, business marketing, making extra income to improve wealth and also inspiration and encouragement to live a well lived life of Your Creation.
Here, we're Real People with the same intention of living a good life and growing real businesses of our own design. Subscribe to our newsletter and you'll be the first to receive a new article, notification of a new product or when we're offering free stuff - I love offering freebies!
I believe in lives of personal design, community and connection. Reach out anytime with any thoughts or questions you have.
Thank you for visiting and Keep on' Keep'n on!
About Me
Hello and Welcome to my site. I've seen and experienced much in life...challenges, obstacles and triumphs. MARCK® came through as a result of all my personal and business experience. MARCK® is an acronym: M-Mindful, A-Acknowledge, R-Relax & Reflect, C-Commitment to your core values and goal/s, K-Keep on, Keep'n on! Here you'll find products, ideas, inspiration, books, courses on business growth, business marketing, making extra income to improve wealth and also inspiration and encouragement to live a well lived life of Your Creation. Here, we're Real People with the same intention of living a good life and growing real businesses of our own design. Subscribe to our newsletter and you'll be the first to receive a new article, notification of a new product or when we're offering free stuff - I love offering freebies! I believe in lives of personal design, community and connection. Reach out anytime with any thoughts or questions you have. [email protected] Thank you for visiting and Keep on' Keep'n on! Jaymie