January and February 2018 Marketing Ideas 

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81+ Ideas and Dates To Know

81+ Marketing Ideas and Just Plain Fun!

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All Status Quo and No Creativity Makes For DULL!     

Stay Fresh. Innovative. In The Know.

  • How can you engage your customers more?  Hint: Emotion Creates Bonds
  • How to make more sales?
  • Keep them coming back for more?


Use these to keep your content and events interesting, fun, valuable and increase customers and sales.

January Marketing Ideas

Month of January:

  • Hot Tea Month
  • Soup Month
  • Be Kind to Food Servers Month
  • Oatmeal Month
  • Brainteaser Month
  • Celebration of Life Month
  • Creativity Month
  • Clean Up Your Computer Month
  • Get A Balanced Life Month
  • Hobby Month
  • International Brain Teaser Month


2: Science Fiction Day

3: JRR Tolkien Day

4: National Trivia Day

4:  National Spaghetti Day

5: National Bird Day

5: National Whipped Cream Day

6:  National Bean DayJanuary and February Marketing Ideas

6: Three Kings Day

7: National Bobblehead Day

8: National Bubblebath Day

8: Clean Off Your Desk Day

9: National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

10: National Houseplant Appreciation Day

11: Human Trafficking Awareness Day

11: National Milk Day

12:  Kiss a Ginger Day

13: National Sticker Day

13: National Rubber Ducky Day

14: National Dress Up Your Pet Day

15: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

15: National Hat Day

16: National Fig Newton Day

17: National Hot Buttered Rum Day

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18: Get to Know Your Customers Day

18: National Thesaurus Day

19: National Popcorn Day

20: Cheese Lovers Day

20: World Day of Social Justice

21: National Squirrel Appreciation Day

21: National Hugging Day

22:  Celebration of Life Day

22:  National Blonde Brownie Day

23: National Pie Day

24: National Compliment Day

23: Community Manager Appreciation Day

23: World Spay Day

24: National Beer Can Appreciation Day

24: National Peanut Butter Day

25: National Opposite Day

26: National Spouses Day

27: National Chocolate Cake Day

28: Chinese New Year

28: Data Privacy Day

29: National Puzzle Day

30: National Croissant Day

31: National Hot Chocolate Day

February Marketing Ideas

 Month of February:

  • Library Lover’s Month
  • Hot Breakfast Month
  • Bird Feeding Month
  • Bake for Family Fun Month
  • Cherry Month
  • North American Inclusion Month


1: National Freedom Day

  2: Groundhog Day

  2: World Wetlands Day

 3: National Wear Red Day

  4: World Cancer Day

  4: Super Bowl Sunday

  4: National Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day

  5: National Weatherperson’s Day

  6: Safer Internet Day

  6: National Frozen Yogurt Day

  7: National Send a Card to a Friend Day

  7: National Signing Day

  8: National Boy Scouts Day

  9: National Pizza Day

10: National Umbrella Day

11: International Day of Women and Girls in Science

11: National Inventor’s Day

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12: National Clean out your Computer Day

12: National Plum Pudding Day

12: Galentine’s Day 

13: Mardi Gras

13: National Tortellini Day

13: World Radio Day

14: Valentine’s Day

14: Ash Wednesday

15: Singles Awareness Day

16: National Almond Day

16: Chinese New Year

17: Random Acts of Kindness Day

18: National Battery Day

18: National Drink Wine Day

19: Presidents Day

19: Tug of War Day

20: Love Your Pet Day

20: National Muffin Day

21: International Mother Language Day

21: National Sticky Bun Day

22: National Walking the Dog Day

22:  National Margarita Day

23: International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day

23: National Chili Day

24: National Tortilla Chip Day

25: National Clam Chowder Day

26: National Pistachio Day

27: International Polar Bear Day

28: National Chocolate Soufflé Day

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