***See The Most Recent

November and December 2017 Marketing Ideas 

61 Ideas and Dates To Know

Marketing Ideas and Just Plain Fun!

All Status Quo and No Creativity Makes For DULL!  Read below for November and December 2017 Marketing Ideas.  Innovative and Creative!

Are you wondering how you can engage and shake things up for your customers and audience? What can you do to keep your content and events interesting, fun, valuable and increase customers and sales?

Marketing Ideas



Well, we searched and searched And discovered a whole world of unique, sometimes off the wall, some touching and inspirational national and world days.  Yes, here it is…let’s have a blast with some of these, stay on top of the dates and create activity around these dates!

To keep it concise and simple for you, the dates are listed in order below.  Get creative, have some fun with these below and be notified of these days regularly.   We love sharing tips and ideas!   Also, head on over to our FREE COURSE on how to make money with email addresses.  Engage your customers and audience…Stay In Front Of Them!  They’ll love you!  And you make more money, because…YOU DESERVE IT!

61 Marketing Ideas and Dates

Marketing Ideas For November 

1: World Vegan Day

1: National Authors Day

1: National Cook For Your Pets Day

2: Day of the Dead

3: National Sandwich Day

4: Stress Awareness Day

4: National Candy Day


Get Creative, Get Inspired.  Stand out from your competitors and have some fun with these!  What can you do to create some buzz with one, two or a few of these days?


5: Daylight Saving Time Ends

8: National Cappuccino Day

8: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine (STEM) Day

11: Veterans/Remembrance Day

11: National Sundae Day

11: Singles Day


We’ll let you know when new calendar dates are available…enter your info below.

Get These Monthly Marketing Days

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Have fun with these unique dates & get engagement with your audience...and friends!

Did you know that emotion is one of the greatest BONDS?

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13: World Kindness Day


Our subconscious minds are working away at rest, when we’re simply having fun and during sleep. Review these and then let your subconscious mind go to work!  

Go ahead, stop thinking, take a break and have some fun or take a well deserved nap.  You’ll find your brain is fresh when you get back to work and you most likely will have some fresh ideas come to you!


14: National Pickle Day

14: World Diabetes Day

15: Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day

15: America Recycles Day

16: International Day for Tolerance

17: National Unfriend Day (Jimmy Kimmel started this and it took off ;) )

17: International Students Day

19: International Men’s Day

20: Universal Children’s Day

21: World Hello Day

21: National Entrepreneurs Day

We’ll let you know when new calendar dates are available…enter your info below.

Get These Monthly Marketing Days

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Have fun with these unique dates & get engagement with your audience...and friends!

Did you know that emotion is one of the greatest BONDS?

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23: Thanksgiving Day

24: Black Friday

24: National Day of Listening

25: Small Business Saturday


Okay, who said they don’t like cake?!   Said no one, ever! 


26: National Cake Day

27: Cyber Monday

28: National Day of Giving

29: Electronic Greeting Card Day

30: Computer Security Day


Marketing Ideas For December 2017

1: World AIDS Day

1: National Pie Day

2: National Mutt Day

3: International Day of Persons with Disabilities

4: National Cookie Day

5: International Ninja Day

5: World Soil Day

6: Microwave Oven Day

8: National Brownie Day

8: Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day

10: Human Rights Day

10: Nobel Prize Day

10: National Lager Day

11: International Mountain Day

15: National Cupcake Day

17: National Maple Syrup Day

20: Sangria Day

21: Crossword Puzzle Day

21: First Day of Winter

23: Festivus Day

24: Christmas Eve

25: Christmas Day

26: Boxing Day (as in gift boxes!)

29: No Interruptions Day – Last Work Day of the Year

30: National Bacon Day

31: New Year’s Eve


Stay top of mind and engage with your customers and audience!  Not to mention having some cool gatherings and events with friends and family around some of these dates!


Sign up  below to automatically receive these unique monthly holidays when we post!  Have some fun!

Get These Monthly Marketing Days

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Have fun with these unique dates & get engagement with your audience...and friends!

Did you know that emotion is one of the greatest BONDS?

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